What should you do if you are having trouble with a co-founder? Usually founders begin a venture with high hopes and a good working relationship, but just like in any relationship, there is always the chance that things may go awry. If you are finding yourself in that situation, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) Dissent amongst founders is one of the most common reasons that startups fail, and it will send investors running for the hills. If you are having problems with a co-founder, the best thing for your company is to address the issue head-on, immediately.
2) If you want to get rid of a co-founder, make sure that you can. Check your founding documents, including founders’ agreements, equity documents and bylaws to make sure that you have the authority and the power to remove him or her. If you are not sure what this means, ask your attorney.
3) Get important people on board. Your other founders, advisors and major shareholders will need to know what is going on, and getting their agreement will smooth the process.
4) Be nice. Breakups aren’t easy, but you can make the transition smoother by being respectful, recognizing the founder’s contributions to the company, and offering to help them with recommendations or introducing them to people in your space. If your company can afford it, consider accelerating his or her vesting and/or offering severance. The startup space is small, and you never know when you may need this person again. It’s worth it to end things on good terms.

November 10, 2019 at 2:54 pm.While your employee may have been totally responsible for bringing their firing upon themselves, going to that place will only make things worse. Simply state that things didn t work out. And if you re truly sorry, say so. But if not, simply say that you re sorry that things didn t work out, and leave it at that. Allow the person s dignity to remain as intact as possible without being inauthentic or insincere in what you say.
Claire Kalia
August 19, 2020 at 12:28 pm.Great advice!