In February of 2018, President Donald Trump signed into law the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. Although some individuals erroneously believe that this Act applies only to national sports organizations, the truth is that the law is also applicable to youth sports organizations in which amateur athletes participate. One of the main purposes of this statute is to protect young people against harm from abuse. The Safe Sport Act is also applicable to all types of child abuse, including both emotional abuse and physical abuse, including sexual abuse.
Several different types of organizations are required to have the necessary protocols in place to fully comply with the Safe Sport Act. California business organizations attorney Claire Kalia of Kalia Law, P.C. can review your organization structure and determine whether your organization is subject to the new law. Feel free to give us a call today at (650) 701-7617, or contact us online to learn more.
Types of Organizations which must Comply
There are several different types of amateur sports organizations which must comply with the Safe Sport Act. Organizations that participate in international (or interstate) amateur athletic contests – and which involve one or more adults being in close contact with one or more amateur athletes who are minors – are required to comply. Those organizations could include any of the following:
- Sports teams and leagues
- Sports facilities
- Churches
- Tournament hosts
- Schools
The statute directly extends to those organizations which engage in international (or interstate) activities or commerce, such as sports organizations that have to cross state lines in order to compete with other teams.
Requirements of the New Statute
The new statute imposes several mandatory requirements which all qualifying organizations must comply with. Those requirements include all of the following:
- Required reporting for suspicions of child neglect and/or child abuse (including a limitation of retaliatory civil liability for the individual or individuals who are making the report)
- Required prevention training for all adult members of the amateur sports organization who are in close proximity to minors on a regular basis
- Required prevention policies to limit interactions between minors who are amateur athletes and supervising adults on a one-on-one basis (without another adult being present in the vicinity)
Failing to Satisfy the Standards
When an amateur sports organization does not meet the required standard of care or otherwise fails to comply with the statutory provisions, a civil lawsuit in the United States District Court could result, and the organization may have to pay damages to the claimant.
Speak with a California Business Organizations Attorney Today
Having a written comprehensive child abuse risk management plan in place can go a long way when it comes to ensuring that your organization is compliant with the new statute. Lawyer Claire Kalia of Kalia Law, P.C. can address all of your legal concerns and ensure that your organization fully complies with the new statute. To schedule a free consultation or case evaluation with a California business organizations lawyer, please call us today at (650) 701-7617, or contact us online.